Día 17. El Encanto de lo Sublime.

Los tripulantes van felices con panzas llenas, anoche pescaron 2 atunes, uno de los cuales han preparado en el asador de cubierta, y el otro fileteado en el congelador como reserva. Los vientos Alisios siguen de su lado; la brisa y temperatura son más que perfectas. Saben que pronto avistarán tierra y por eso sienten una tristeza anticipada. La gran travesía se aproxima a su fin. ¿Volverán a sentirse abismados en la inmensidad? Quizás nunca más sean tan indispensables el uno para con el otro.

Han adherido a sus almas una nueva dimensión del tiempo y del transcurrir del mismo. Introspecciones y sueños que nunca habían imaginado. Han experimentado eso que llaman lo sublime.

The crew go happy with full bellies, last night they caught 2 tuna fish, one of which was prepared in the grill under the stars, and the other filleted in the freezer as a reserve. Trade winds guide them; the breeze and temperature are more than perfect. They know that soon they will spot land and for that reason they feel an anticipated sadness. The great crossing is nearing its end. Will they ever again feel abysmal in the immensity? Perhaps they will never be so indispensable to one another.

They have added to their souls a new dimension of time and of its passing. Insights and dreams that they had never imagined. They have experienced kind of the sublime.

7 thoughts on “Día 17. El Encanto de lo Sublime.

  1. the three last lines of your description touch my heart!!! THE SUBLIME….now you have the title for you book, thank you my POETESSA!!!!!!! through your words I sailed with Malaika for a couple of weeks!!! what a gift you are!!!!!

  2. Ia Orana Angelica
    The Malaika log has brought me many fond memories. Cannot wait to read about your impressions of the Marquesas Islands. I visited the Marquesas in 1984, aboard the tramp cargo vessel Aranui.

  3. Sailing into the sublime… Angelica, you have moved us all with your exquisitely rendered daily reports of Malaika’s inexorable progress across the seas.

    ¡Te agradecemos por tu poesía!

    1. Dear John ¡Yo soy la agradecida! Es muy especial para mí saber que podemos unir nuestros pensamientos y cariños a través de las palabras.

  4. Beautiful words to describe landfall after a long passage to an unfamiliar island. Postpartum for sure with many mixed emotions. For me the approach of land began with the sighting of a land based bird or a floral whiff long before there is anything to see. Then there is the almost imperceptible change in the color of the sea.

    The excitement of exploring new land, unaccustomed smells and sound, and the pure solidity of solid ground all supplanted for me the emotions of the end of the comforting routine of sailing… until later. There was the abysmal, but there was also the insignificance, the nugatory all of which is quickly supplanted by the recollection of joy and exhilaration and as in child birth.

  5. Harry you always surprise me. It gives me a lot of joy reading the peoples comments they are full of human matter. Language!

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